
Eye Health Tips For Computer Users

Eye Care for Computer Users - The Ultimate Guide - Disha Eye Care

Spending hours in front of a digital screen can be a real strain on your eyes. Fortunately, there are several easy steps you can take to protect your eyes.

Start by getting regular eye exams. This will help detect any vision problems and a solution can be found before it becomes a serious issue.


Spending too much time staring at computer, tablet or smartphone screens can place unwanted strain on your eyes. The good news is there are easy steps you can take to prevent eye strain and keep your eyes healthy.

For example, adjust the screen brightness so it matches the lighting in your environment. Also, use a matte screen filter to reduce glare. Finally, make sure you are sitting about 25 inches (about arm’s length) from the screen and positioned so your eye gaze is slightly downward.

People typically blink about 18 times a minute in normal day-to-day activities. However, when you stare at a screen for long periods of time, your eyes blink about half as often. This causes your eyes to dry up, which can lead to eye irritation and discomfort. Try following the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, look away from your screen and focus on something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This will help refocus your eyes.


We spend a lot of time looking at screens – whether at work, playing video games, or surfing the web. But it doesn’t have to be detrimental to our eye health. By following these seven simple tips, you can use digital devices without damaging your eyes.

Staring at a screen for long periods of time can cause dry eyes, blurred vision, and strained muscles. This is because your eyes have to deal with glare, flickers and screen contrast all the time.

Try to blink more frequently to keep your eyes moist and prevent dryness. In addition, apply the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something that is 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This will relax the focusing muscle in your eyes and help prevent fatigue. Make sure to also eat food rich in vitamin A to help maintain healthy eyes. This vitamin is essential for a strong retina and reduces risk of eye strain.


It’s important that the font on a computer screen is large enough to read comfortably. Small fonts can cause eye strain and squinting over long periods of time. Increasing the font size on a computer is a simple but effective way to reduce eye strain.

Changing your monitor’s display settings can also help with eye comfort. Make sure the brightness is adjusted so that it matches the ambient light in your work environment. Also, try to use a matte screen filter to minimize glare from overhead lighting or light from windows.

Taking regular breaks from computer screens can also reduce eye strain. The 20-20-20 rule is an easy one to remember: Every 20 minutes, look at something in the distance for about 20 seconds. This helps to refocus your eyes and reduces eye strain symptoms such as dryness, itchiness and blurred vision.


When working on a computer we tend to blink less often, and this can lead to dry eyes. It is important to keep a bottle of eye drops nearby and take breaks from the screen. Drinking plenty of water and eating foods rich in Omega-3 and potassium can also help reduce eyestrain. There are also several apps available that can remind you to take a break and encourage you to hydrate.

The best way to combat dry eyes is to practice the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes look away from your screen and gaze at something about 20 feet in the distance for about 20 seconds. This relaxes the focusing muscles in your eyes and helps to reduce eye fatigue.

Ultimately, the most important tip is to take care of yourself. Be sure to eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep and take a break from the screen every hour or two. Make an appointment to see your eye doctor if you think you are experiencing eye strain symptoms or discomfort.